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Letters and Sounds
Phase 1 with Phonemies - Phonemic Awareness Mastery

Day 1

Goals of the Day!
Match the first 6 Speech Sound Monsters with their sounds, and copy their movements! 
Play 'Whats' Under the Hat!' Use the Visual Prompt Cards. Then Popt them in the Box! 
Duck Hand Your Name - Follow the Monster Sounds, to Say the Word

The daily plan will be added - days 1 - 10
- please keep refreshing the site!

Play Me First!
Let's meet the first 6 Speech Sound Monsters®!

Here Are All the Phonemies!

🎥 Play the 2-Minute Monster Video Lesson daily.

🖱️ Click on the monsters to hear their sounds using the Monster Spelling Piano app or MyWordz tech.

🚀 The sooner everyone knows the Monster Sounds, the better!

Phonemies Fun! Follow the Monster Sounds to Say the Word!
How many words can we build with these Monster Sounds

Grown-Ups Corner - Day 1 Preparation
Let's meet the first 6 Speech Sound Monsters®!

Make sure every child has their own Monster Mapped® name card! They will learn to play their name using the tech, and feel a sense of belonging within the group or classroom. Which word is more important than their name.
You can create these using Map and Drag in the MyWordz® tech! If you need help with this just ask!

A huge number of children will have a 'schwa sound'
in their name, eg at the end of Spencer, Skyla and Maya! However, because we over-pronounce the sound when we segment their name, they will use - and therefore hear- the 'Blue Cow' sound. 
During Phase 1, therefore, we use the Blue Cow when it should - technically (if you checked the IPA) be the Silly Schwa. 
At a certain point the children will tell us when it should be the schwa, and will start using that Phonemie instead. It sounds complicated but it really isn't:-)  

Make sure children 'Duck Hand' their names, from left to right, and sweep!
They will be looking at the Monster Sounds
at this stage, not the Sound Pics (letters) as that's the part they will understand. 

If you only have one child (eg your own) you might want to create their own name video!

I will add a page to show you how.  

Every child needs a Monster Strip!
Until day 5 we won't be using the matching Sound Pic
® strip (with the letters) but have it ready!
Photocopy the strips from the satpin Hand Book, laminate, and use velcro dots to connect.  

p a n

Copy and blow up the Visual Prompt Charts to put on your class whiteboard. 
When you point to a picture you want the children to be able to 'Duck Hand' it.
(See left) 

Laminate the word cards from the handbook.
Use them for 'whats under the hat?
I would print them with the Monstered Word on one side and the Sound Pic word on the back.  
Decorate a post box - children like to post the cards!

You can put anything under the hat - you aren't constrained to just the GCP visual prompt words.  
There are 60 Phase 1 Lessons in the I Can Read Without You ICRWY Lessons app if you want to spend more time securing phonemic awarenes in the early years, or as an intervention for children at riskl


Day 1 clips at home, nursery (kindy) or the classroom!

What Will I Need?

Group or Class:
Speech Sound Duck Puppet
satpin Handbook
Spellling Cloud Keyring
Pack of Phonemies Cards
Getting Started Bundle £95

Plus MyWordz® with MySpeekie® tech

Per child:
Monster Spelling Folder £30
(ask about bulk buys)

Purchasing options here shortly! 

Contact Us

© 2025 Letters and Sounds Phase 1with Phonemies - Phonemic Awareness Mastery from The Reading Hut Ltd

SSP - Systematic Synthetic Phonics
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